Information & activities to support your child’s development:

"Easy help guide for families"

Easy help guide for families

What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS): A guide for parents.”

“What to expect, when?” – Guidance to your child’s learning and development.

https://hungrylittleminds – activities from birth to 5 years

‘50 things to do before you’re five’? Is a free app, which lists 50 no-cost or low-cost local activities for under-fives. The app also highlights key dates – including when to submit school applications, when to register with a dentist. There are also family-friendly events listed (running across the county, and throughout the year).

Is it easy to download? Yes. Just click on one of the links below and install.

Apple store

Google play store

Funding in Early Years – see “Starting Pre-school, fees and funding”

General information:

Oxfordshire Family Information Directory (support, family centres, schools, Parents’ courses)

Keeping Children Safe – Safeguarding

Guide to healthy eating for children

Resources for good dental care for children

Labels for children’s clothing etc..

Oral Health Newsletter

Advice regarding Special Educational Needs & Disability:

Oxfordshire information on SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) The local offer

Early Support –  families with complex needs/disabilities



Useful links for parents and carers — No Comments

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