Starting Pre-school  

We understand that this is a big step for children and their families and we are fully dedicated to ensuring that the “settling-in” process is as smooth and happy as possible for everyone concerned. We know how important it is to work with parents and carers throughout this process.

  • We invite parents to attend a welcome meeting where you will be given a starter pack, meet the staff and familiarise yourself with the setting.
  • We feel that sharing information between home and Pre-school is important to enable us to get to know your child well and to help them settle.
  • We allocate a Key Person to every child but all staff work closely as a team with the children.
  • The settling-in process can take 2-3 weeks, or even longer depending on the individual child, and although this may feel like a long time – it is actually just a process.
  • For the first session (at least) we expect you to stay and play with your child to help guide them through the transition and to become familiar with their Key Person. This first session may only last for 1-2 hours but their time at Pre-school will gradually increase as your child settles. From experience we know that a happy child will want to come back next time!
  • If this is the first time that your child will be separated from you, you can help them prepare by spending short periods of time apart in the run-up to their first day.
  • Our first few sessions with your child will be spent building a relationship, getting to know their likes and dislikes, their personalities and what makes them tick.
  • Try not to be too anxious about leaving your child if he/she is crying as our staff are experienced in dealing with these situations and have strategies to help them. With a smile, clearly explain that you will see them later, aiming not to prolong the goodbye; as hard as this may be, it is better for your child as they will then settle faster in the long-run.

Things you will need to bring

Your child will need appropriate clothing suitable for both indoor and outdoor activities

  • In hot sunny weather please supply a sun hat; sun cream should be applied at the start of every day (all day suncream)
  • In cold weather warm coats, hats & mittens/gloves should be provided.
  • As we play outside in the garden for long periods of time during the day, your child will need waterproof suit and wellies.
  • The children will need to bring a named drink bottle which stays at Pre-school. The staff fill these daily with fresh water.
  • They will need a small bag to hang on their peg with spare clothes and nappies and wipes (if needed).
  • When your child has their lunch at Pre-school, they will need to bring a lunchbox. We promote healthy eating and will give guidance about what to include.

NHS The Eatwell Guide

Advice for good dental care for children


Pre-school sweatshirts and T shirts are available to purchase (please ask staff for information).

Pre-school encourages children to become independent and look after themselves. They will find this much easier if clothes, shoes, hats etc. are easy to put on and take off.

We ask that all of the above items are named. If you are thinking of buying labels, below is a website we are registered with, please do not forget to quote our reference number or name.    password: FR-BARTONPRESCHOOL-29 

(reference:  Middle Barton Pre-school OX7)